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Machine Translation Report

What is the optimal MT Engine for you? Find out in the latest MT Report by Memsource.

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Is Cursive English Endangered?

Endangered Alphabets Endangered languages

Ever wondered if cursive English is in danger of extinction? Tim Brookes, founder of the Endangered Alphabets Project, shares his thoughts on the debate. Ever since I started displaying the Endangere...

Insights from LocWorld41, Silicon Valley

LocWorld41, Silicon Valley localization and translation events

This year’s US LocWorld event was held last week in the world’s technology and innovation hub, Silicon Valley. With up to 10 different tracks and over 30 presentations, not to mention the pre-conferen...

5 Disruptors of Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery, Continuous Localization

Continuous delivery (CD) can help accelerate your time to market, implement immediate improvements to your app or software, and can give your customers instant satisfaction. Implementing CD into your ...

Tips for Learning a New Translation Tool

Learning a new translation tool Tips for translators

Do you use translation tools? No, I don’t. This was the answer from more than 50% of respondents to my poll on the use of translation tools. The results of the poll were based on the responses of m...