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Machine Translation Report

What is the optimal MT Engine for you? Find out in the latest MT Report by Memsource.

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Memsource Cloud from a Japanese Perspective

We have asked one of our Asian customers for feedback on Memsource Cloud. Masa Kajiki of MK Translation Firm, which provides mainly intellectual property translations, wrote this: Our translation a...

Presto Translations Chooses Memsource Cloud

Presto, headquartered in Prague, the Czech Republic is a leading Czech translation agency, serving leading regional as well as international clients, among them: GE Money Bank, General Motors Southe...

Why Memsource Cloud?

This is a summary of feedback we got from our customers - translation agencies and corporate translation departments -  as to why they chose Memsource Cloud to be their preferred translation environ...

Translating PDF files

PDF files (PDF for Portable Document Format) are not designed for editing, they are intended especially for viewing and printing. There are two possible ways of translating source PDF files: ...

11 Ways of Saying “Please Wait”

When a company first deploys and starts using UTMA, they are usually surprised by the number of inconsistencies within their content that get surfaced. In the context of source code, for instance, one...