
Keep up with best practices for translation and localization, new features, and updates by Memsource.

Machine Translation Report

What is the optimal MT Engine for you? Find out in the latest MT Report by Memsource.

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Language locales for Inuktitut

The following language locales have been added for Inuktitut: IKE - Inuktitut (Eastern Canadian) IKT - Inuktitut (Western Canadian) IU_CA - Inuktitut (Latin, Canada) IU_CANS - Inuktitut (Syl...

Batch Import of Users

If you’re in need of quickly creating multiple users in one go, you can import them from XLSX. Just follow these steps: Go to Users and click on the Import button. Download a sample...

Sign up with Google

Signing up for Memsource account has never been easier. Visit our website for an overview of all editions Memsource offers and choose one. If you have a Google account, all you need to do to sign-up i...

GitHub Connector

Users can now sync Memsource accounts with yet another online repository - GitHub. The integration allows for manual file import only due to API limits enforced by GitHub. After a file is translated, ...

Split file based on wordcount

It is now possible to specify the number of words each of the resulting parts of the document should have. To learn more, please visit our dedicated User Manual page.

Introducing In-Context Preview

The desktop Memsource Editor and online Web Editor are now available with a real-time in-context preview for Microsoft Word, HTML, and XML file types, including DITA files. The in-context preview allo...

Memsource 6.4: WordPress Connector

This week’s release hails in a major new feature: the ability to connect to WordPress sites and easily translate them online. In the past, content managers who wished to translate a WordPress website...