
Keep up with best practices for translation and localization, new features, and updates by Memsource.

Machine Translation Report

What is the optimal MT Engine for you? Find out in the latest MT Report by Memsource.

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Rising Translation Talents

Last fall, translation and localization students from all over the world participated in a Memsource contest to portray an English translation of a joke in their native tongue. We interviewed three of...

Drupal Connector

Users can now sync Memsource accounts with yet another CMS – Drupal. Please note that the Drupal connector works only with Drupal 8 (and later) and the integration allows both manual file and automati...

Multilingual apps to educate one billion children

The UK-based non-profit organization onebillion develops multilingual apps to spread numeracy and literacy among marginalized children throughout Africa and other regions. Translating and localizing ...

Linguist can edit Translation Memory

We have added a new option to our Linguist User Settings: Edit translations in Translation Memory (TM). Admins and Project managers can now allow a Linguist to search TM on the Cloud and edit the rec...

Insert Symbols

Starting from desktop Memsource Editor version 6.201.6 it is possible to insert symbols and special characters into translation. The character map will open when pressing Ctrl + Shift + L or navigati...

Partial QA

Up until now when users needed to check a file in progress, they had to run the full QA which could give them lots of false positives (e.g. warnings for unconfirmed segments, empty target etc.). Part...

Case Study: Localizing E-commerce Websites

Tennis-Point GmbH is a German online retailer offering over 50,000 tennis products including equipment, apparel, and accessories. They operate in 12 languages by integrating their eShop system with Me...

API for Quotes

New API call for Quotes is available: Create Get Delete Please see Quotes API and Costing & Quotes manual for details and Edition availability.