New Features

Machine Translation Report

What is the optimal MT Engine for you? Find out in the latest MT Report by Memsource.

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New REST API endpoints available

There are 29 new endpoints available in our REST API documentation for Analysis, Authentication, Job, Machine Translation, Project, Project Template, Term Base, Translation, and Translation Memory.  S...

Search the Help Center from Memsource

You no longer need to switch between Memsource and the Memsource Help Center when you have a question. You can now search the help center directly from Memsource. We have added a help widget which is...

Memsource Supports COTI

Memsource now supports the Common Translation Interface (COTI). COTI is an interface developed by DERCOM (Association of German Manufacturers of Authoring and Content Management Systems) for data exc...

82 New Languages and Language Locales

Memsource now supports 82 new languages/language locales. Users will be able to select these languages when creating projects, translation memories, and term bases. Below is a list of all new langua...

Memsource + Jukkou MT Engine

Memsource users will now be able to attach the Jukkou machine translation (MT) engine to translation projects. When setting up this MT engine in Memsource, it is possible to choose from industry-speci...

Use DeepL Translator with Memsource

Memsource users can now choose from an even wider range of machine translation (MT) engines. Memsource now supports DeepL Translator, a neural machine translation engine which provides high-quality ma...