New Features

Machine Translation Report

What is the optimal MT Engine for you? Find out in the latest MT Report by Memsource.

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Change Source Language in Empty Projects

Occasionally, projects can be created in a hurry and a simple misclick in the source language can cause an incorrect project to be created (e.g. English (Australia) instead of general English). Now, ...

Improved Translation Memory View

Additional control options have been added to make it easier for users to manage translation memories with a large number of locales.  Users could already drag and drop columns to desired places and ...

Limit on Records in Memsource Reports

We have introduced a limit to the number of records returned in the reports generated by Memsource. Only the first 10,000 records will be included in any report. __ Learn more about Memsource Repo...

Set All Term Bases as Read Only

With the latest Memsource Cloud release, you can set all term bases in a project as read only. Previously, in Memsource projects, one term base had to be in write mode. When a term base is in read ...