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Celebrating International Mother Language Day 2020

International Mother Language Day 2020

At Memsource, we love to celebrate International Mother Language Day. We’ve told you our favorite native language expressions, flaunted our animal sounds, and now we’re going to dazzle you with our tongue twister skills. Cue the Memsource Mother Language Day Tongue Twister Challenge!

The rules were simple. Pick your favorite tongue twister in your native language, say it perfectly, and nominate a colleague to participate.


First up, Lara-Ashleigh Pieterse, Content Manager

Native language: English

Tongue twister: Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter so Betty bought a bit of better butter to make the bitter butter better.


Laura Radelli, Data Engineer (currently on maternity leave but couldn’t resist the chance to celebrate Mother Language Day)

Native language: Italian

Tongue twister: Sopra la panca la capra campa, sotto la panca la capra crepa.

English translation: On top of the bench the goat is alive, under the bench, the goat dies.


Klara Kopecka, Inbound Specialist

Native language: Czech

Tongue twister: Nenaolejuje-li tě Julie, naolejuji Julii já.

English translation: If Julia doesn’t put oil on you, I will put oil on Julia.


Dalibor Frivaldsky, Chief Technology Officer

Native Language: Slovak

Tongue twister: Išiel pštros s pštrosicou a malými pštrosíčatami Pštrosou ulicou.

English translation: An ostrich was walking down Ostrich street with a female ostrich and baby ostriches.


Elizaveta Makarova, Sales Support Intern

Native Language: Russian

Tongue twister: В недрах тундры выдры в гетрах тырят в вёдра ядра кедров. Вытру гетрой выдре морду.Ядра в вёдра! Выдру в тундру!

English translation: Deep in the tundra otters in leg warmers are stealing pine nuts and putting them into buckets. I’ll grab an otter and wipe its face with a leg warmer. Pine nuts into buckets! Otters to the tundra!


David Stascak, Software Development Engineer

Native Language: Czech

Tongue twister: Pokopete-li mi to pole nebo nepokopete-li mi to pole.

English translation: Are you going to work on my field with a hoe, or not?


Miwa Bayerova, APCA Sales Representitive

Native Language: Japanese

Tongue twister: Bozu ga byobu ni jozuni bozuno e o kaita.

English translation: A monk drew a monk on the folding screen very well.


Filip Sanca, Marketing lead.

Native Language: Czech

Tongue twister: Kmotře Petře, nepřepepřete mi toho vepře, jak mi, kmotře Petře, toho vepře přepepříte, tak si toho přepepřeného vepře sám sníte.

English translation: Do not put too much pepper on my pork, godfather Peter. If you, godfather Peter, put too much pepper on my pork, you shall eat the over peppered pork yourself.


Yiwen Chen, APAC Junior Sales Representative

Native Language: Chinese

Tongue twister: 扁担长,板凳宽,板凳没有扁担长,扁担没有板凳宽。扁担要绑在板凳上,板凳不让扁担绑在板凳上,扁担偏要扁担绑在板凳上

English translation: The carrying pole is long. The bench is wide. The bench is not as long as the pole. The pole is not as wide as the bench is. The pole wishes to be tied to the bench. The bench doesn’t want to be tied to the pole, but the pole insisted to be tied to the bench.


Techhong Lin, Sales Support Specialist

Native language: Khmer

Tongue twister: ពីងពាងពីរពាន់ពងពេញពោះពពាក់ពពួនពងពាសពេញព្រៃ។

English translation: Two thousand pregnant spiders are gathering together to lay eggs all over the forest.

Happy International Mother Language Day!

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