
Machine Translation Report

What is the optimal MT Engine for you? Find out in the latest MT Report by Memsource.

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Memsource Online Meetup: 5 Key Takeaways

Memsouce Online Localization Meetup

With almost 1500 registrants, the latest Memsource Meetup was a huge success and packed with valuable information to help you streamline your localization processes. During our first event in April, we focused on maintaining business continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic and discussed the effect on the localization industry. We also shared strategies on how to safeguard your business and get through the pandemic with minimal impact.

Memsource Online Meetup Key Takeaways: Working Together to Achieve Business Continuity

localization trends localization events

Memsource recently hosted its first-ever online meetup and we hope it’s the first of many. While the original plan was to host an event in Dublin on the same day, the current pandemic forced us to rethink our plans. And thus, our online Memsource Meetup, April 2020 was born. The event was packed with great advice on how to minimize the business impact of COVID-19 and strategies to help boost revenue in these difficult times. Want our key takeaways from the event? Read on.

Insights from LocWorld41, Silicon Valley

LocWorld41, Silicon Valley localization and translation events

This year’s US LocWorld event was held last week in the world’s technology and innovation hub, Silicon Valley. With up to 10 different tracks and over 30 presentations, not to mention the pre-conferen...

Key Takeaways from LocWorld40 Portugal

LocWorld conference

The title of the LocWorld40 keynote speech really summed up the overarching theme of the conference - Go Digital. Be Human. This conference was all about the humanization of technology. In previous co...