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Machine Translation Report

What is the optimal MT Engine for you? Find out in the latest MT Report by Memsource.


5 Disruptors of Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery, Continuous Localization

Continuous delivery (CD) can help accelerate your time to market, implement immediate improvements to your app or software, and can give your customers instant satisfaction. Implementing CD into your localization workflow will allow you to simship new releases and updates to many target areas in multiple languages - but is it all smooth sailing? Not always.

We have identified the possible disruptions of CD to help you weather the storm and navigate your way to seamless continuous localization.

Effort Estimation: How can you estimate localization effort and calculate payments for something that is changing every 30 minutes? Forget everything you know about effort estimation because in this ever-changing environment, projects and quotes as we know them will disappear. Payments will be substituted by a preliminary evaluation based on the development pipeline and periodical post-localization analysis. Don’t underestimate it, be prepared and you will adjust in no time.

Quality Assurance: As QA in the CD framework has been moved before the actual development to anticipate issues rather than solving them when it’s too late, internationalization is going to return to the role it deserves once again. A properly internationalized application drastically reduces the number of issues (such as truncations, overlapping texts, untranslated strings etc). Providing context for the most obscure part of the application is also extremely important. Context can be offered in multiple ways, as a note within the translation file, as a direct communication channel between stakeholders to speed up query resolution, or as a link to the application itself to be able to run the screens while simultaneously translating.

Integrations: The flow of content must not be stopped because of human activity unless the action has added value. The third time the same action is performed there should be an automated step that substitutes it. Different tools used in the process need to be selected based on the possibility of being integrated with each other via API. If you’re not ready for this, you will certainly miss the CD boat.

Multi-platforms: We are no longer tied to our desks and subsequently, translation and localization are no longer restricted to computers. Web, desktop, tablet, smartphone, you name it, translation will happen on any device that is capable.

Artificial Intelligence: You may be tired of hearing it, but automation powered by AI will play a powerful role in continuous delivery, from machine translation to AI-powered project management. Learn more about Memsource’s AI!

Although “disruptors” may sound daunting, they will lead to a smoother, more dynamic workflow. The first step is awareness. Once you are aware of them, you can prepare for them when implementing CD into your workflow. You will be well positioned to execute a seamless continuous localization strategy.

This is the final installment in our three-part article series on continuous delivery in the localization industry. In part one we looked at the different project management strategies that paved the way to continuous delivery. And part two looked at the benefits, drawbacks, and best practices for continuous delivery in a game localization workflow.

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